Neidio i'r prif gynnwy

Cyflwyniadau CEDAR (ViH)

Credwn ei bod yn bwysig rhannu’r hyn a ddysgir – gan gynnwys gwybodaeth cadarnhaol a negyddol, er mwyn galluogi eraill i ddysgu o’n profiadau ac fel y gall cydweithwyr ddeall y gwaith sy’n cael ei gefnogi gan CEDAR a’r Ganolfan Gwerth mewn Iechyd Cymru. Rydym wedi arwain nifer o gyhoeddiadau a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid a chyflwyniadau i gynadleddau, ac yn ymgysylltu’n rheolaidd â thimau clinigol ledled Cymru sy’n dymuno cyflwyno eu gwaith drwy ddarparu cyngor a chymorth wrth ddatblygu cyflwyniadau i gynadleddau. Dyma ddetholiad o gyflwyniadau cynhadledd CEDAR.

Palmer R, Willacott A. Analysing PROMs – an introduction. Value in Health Week 2021 (Online). November 2021. (Oral presentation).

Palmer R, Cox S, Watkins A, Nichols I, White R. PROMs data visualisations – Examples and lessons learnt. Value in Health Week 2021 (Online) November 2021 (Oral presentation).

Withers K, Kalra N. Intelligence for Value Framework – Bringing Data to Life. ICHOM Virtual Learning Series: Transforming Healthcare Globally (Online). November 2021. (Oral presentation).

Palmer R, Willacott A. Analysing PROMs. Value in Health Week 2020 (Online). November 2021. (Oral presentation).

Haxton A, Lambert C, Kalra N, Harry P, Jones K, Palmer R. A Value Based Healthcare approach for Knee Osteoarthritis. ICHOM Global Virtual Congress 2020 (Online). (Poster presentation).

Jenkins G, Edwards C, Truman K, White R, Jones K, Kalra N, Palmer R. Working towards optimising care for heart failure patients at Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBUHB) – NOT Accepting Failure. ICHOM Global Virtual Congress 2020 (Online). (Poster presentation).

Palmer R., Withers KL, Carolan-Rees G. Working towards nationally collecting PROMs for chronic illnesses in Wales. Allied Health Professional Awards & Conference, Cardiff, UK, October 2019. (Poster presentation).

O'Connell S, Palmer RI, Withers K, Carolan-Rees G. (2018)  Developing an electronic platform to collect PROMs and PREMs from patients in secondary care settings in Wales. All-Wales Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Summer Meeting, Cardiff, UK, June 2018. (Poster presentation)

Withers KL, Puntoni S, Palmer RI, O'Connell S, Carolan-Rees G. (2018) Standardising PREMs collection to drive service improvement in Wales. Health Technology Assessment International (HTAI) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, June 2018. (Oral presentation)

Palmer RI, Withers KL, O'Connell S, Puntoni S. (2018) Working Towards a National PREMs Collection System for Service Improvement in Wales. Chief Nursing Officer's Annual Showcase Conference, Cardiff, UK, May 2018. [Oral presentation]

Palmer RI, Withers KL, Carolan-Rees G. Patient Outcomes in Wales: The PROMs, PREMs & Effectiveness Programme. ISPOR Conference, Glasgow, UK. November 2017. (Poster presentation).

Palmer R., Withers KL, Carolan-Rees G. The PROMs, PREMs & Effectiveness Programme in Wales. The Welsh Public Health Conference, Newport, UK. October 2017. (Poster presentation).

Palmer RI, Withers KL, Carolan-Rees G. All Wales PROMs, PREMs & Effectiveness Programme. ISQua Conference, London, UK May 2017. (Poster presentation).

Withers KL, Palmer R, Carolan-Rees G. Initial Results from the All Wales PROMs, PREMs and Effectiveness Programme. HTAI Annual Meeting Rome, Italy. May 2017. (Poster presentation).

Withers KL, Palmer R, Carolan-Rees G. The All Wales Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) & Effectiveness Programme. International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, London, UK. May 2017. (Poster presentation).